Many of you have asked about what foods to use when breaking your fast. While I have never advocated for diet culture standards or norms when choosing foods, utilizing dietary fats as your food to break your fast is the best choice for many reasons.
When you're in a fasted state, your body is "consuming" bodily fats for fuel. So it's a common-sensical decision to utilize DIETARY FATS when it's time to break your fast.
While all fats are not created equal, here's some additional information to consider when choosing your preferred foods to break your fast.

I advocate for moderate consumption of a combination of some quality & clean saturated fats with your preferred mono & polyunsaturated fats. (Side note, many Americans are OVER CONSUMING omega-6 rich foods, instead of balancing the consumption of omega 6's & 3's to get a balance of the essential nutrients)

We have heard many times, in various outlets, to be wary or cautious about our consumption of fats in general.
However, when you are in a fasted state, your body is consuming bodily fat for energy! Yes, you're a snack!
This "energy" as we know it, are what we know as calories.
BUT! Do you know, really, what a calorie is?
To define: a calorie, a unit of energy, often used to express the nutritional value of foods, equivalent to the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 °C, and equal to one thousand small calories; a kilocalorie.
Essentially, calories are units of fuel your body needs to function, and per gram, fats have significantly more "bang for the buck," sort to speak, per gram.
Breakdown of energy (kilocalorie) per macro:
1g protein = 4 kcal
1g carbohydrate = 4 kcal
1g fat = 9 kcal

So while diet culture focuses on limiting or eliminating fats, encouraging overly high amounts of protein, and selling you carbohydrate-filled products, choosing a quality dietary fat will be the best choice.
Also, dietary fats have an almost non-existent insulin response after eating, compared to carbs and protein.

And if you're wondering about the serving size, your body, again, has a beautiful way to remind you... Your stomach is approximately the size of your fist. Remembering that your dietary fat serving size should be no bigger than your fist/palm

So which fats will you choose to break your fast? Whatever you choose, remember to feel confident and proud in your choice, not limiting or in a punishment-like demeanor. My hope is that you are able to integrate your choices for dietary fats easily without limiting, or restricting what you already like to eat.
As always, I truly believe you can do this, even if you don't. ✨💛

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DISCLAIMER:This blog not intended, or implied to be a substitute for licensed medical advice. It is recommended to consult with your doctor before starting any weight loss program.
I love learning about dietary fats and how they fit into my fasting lifestyle. Thank you Vicki!