I still cannot believe it, but I did it!
Thinking about it, that's kinda interesting, now that I reflect about it. My headspace feels SUPER similar to when I reached an over 200-pound weight loss. I'm thinking this is a big reason why I prefer the journey, whether it be weight loss, OR writing a book, to be a slow process.
I've always thought I could reproduce my support and guidance into a concise book to help guide, inspire, and motivate others. But finally, one day, I just decided. It's go-time.
Again, reflectively thinking about the start of my weight loss journey, I also did the same. I just decided it's time.
Now I turn it to you.
How are you? Are you struggling, stuck, or spinning your wheels looking for the path to get to your health goal?
I understand all of the hard, messy, and painful headspaces that keep playing on repeat all day. (As a widow, I still battle those daily) But as I've said, time will pass whether we take action or not, and our lives are mercilessly short. Time is a resource we cannot replenish and I've realized, through this journey, not to be complacent with a life I'm unhappy in.
My wish for each and every one of you is that you find your inner fire, too.
My goal, with this handbook I have created, is to help you find your fire. With fasting as a lifestyle tool, I am confident you also will be able to address your mindsets, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors toward food. You're not stuck, broken, or doomed to stay unhealthy and unhappy.
I'm (virtually) extending out my hand to you, to come with me, find your fire, see your power, and hear me when I say, I believe in you, even if you don't. ✨💛
Currently, my handbook is for sale (in digital PDF format so far) in my 👉Etsy shop. Once downloaded, it can be uploaded and used in any notes or reader app.
Eventually, it will be available to purchase as a physical copy, after waiting for the publishing process. So if that's you, stay tuned if you do not want to print it yourself.
Also, I will soon be offering the handbook as a package promotion with my 30-day fasting plan
For now, I want to thank you all again, give you all a huge virtual hug, and a reminder.
You can do this. You deserve to be (and stay) an after, and I can help.
Best of health to you, until next time, friend 💛